Feb 22, 2009

Listen to your Parents So you can learn... By Dila

I always believe that, education is one of the necessary thing to improve yourself. However, for me education is not just about a school. There is more important and more educational places in our lives, such as home and our environment.
Home education is one of the important things that we can learn from life. We learn everything from our parents, rights, wrongs, believes, and every other details.

"In many homes parents establish moral assumptions, mandates, priory­tie
.They teach children what to believe in, what not to believe in."
This quote from "I Listen to My Parents", and I definitely agree with that. Parents give us everything they know, they teach their opinions, their values and we keep everything in our mind and when it is time to use we are using them.
However for me, even thought parents thought, and believes are important we cannot and should not use it the way they teach to us. We learn from them, we get our wrongs and rights that is why we should decide our rights and wrongs too. We should shape our thoughts with the things that we learned from our parents.
That is why i like this sentences from same article,
"But you should honor your father and mother most of all; that's why you should find out what they think and then sort of copy them. But sometimes you're not sure if you're on the right track."

Learn whatever you can from your parents it is never too late, or you are never too old to learn from them. Listen, them even they are wrong or right for you than you do not have to do everything they say. Than you will have chance to choice from right and wrong.

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