Feb 21, 2009

Black men and public space (Aakash Mehta)

I got so much depressed when I read this article. I came to USA before 8 months and was not aware of such black-white discrimination. I really wonder why we do that. I use "we" here as we are people and we are the world. In India, Pakistan, Bangladesh there is similar discrimination between Hindu-Muslim casts. Kashmir is a state and half part of it is under Pakistan authority and the rest half under Indian authority. So these countries quarrel with each other to occupy the whole Kashmir state. We used to be a one country before few years. Now we act as enemies. Now we fight for our religions also. We fight for temples and mosques. We kill innocent children who don't know what is religion and what is cast. I wonder why we do so? Here I saw black-white discrimination. I need to give one message to this world even though I am not authorized, that we all are similar. We are one family. We share the same air, water and food. We dress similarly. Our genetic configuration is the same. Even we all share a common evolutionary ancestor. Then why all these? Why to fight with your own family members? Are there competitions within the same family? If one member of my own family (world) can understand this then I would consider my life worth.

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