Feb 12, 2009

Judging people by his appearance ( A. Bugubayev)

After reading in class " Black men and Public Space" I have thought - why people should react harshly and judge some person only by physical data? For example, our big guy Brent Staples was a tall, black guy with a military jacket was most of the time frightening the citizens unpurpose and making policemen worry. I think people shouldn't always act like that, because inside person can be totally different, for example, even
if he is tall and scary, inside of his heart he is a"good boy".I understand that outside look of a person gives a first impression, but still, it doesn' mean the whole thing about him.


Leslie said...

eventhought you are right in some points, i think you forget something. We are all like that, even you are too. Unconditionally everyone judjng people by their appereance!
That is why we are all trying to look good!
people are like that, and i think you/we cannot change it.

Leslie said...

If you close your eyes, What can you see with your mind? (Leslie)

Sometimes people say we should know a person with our mind eyes, not physical eyes, which always bring illusions, or misconcept. Unfortunately, it's always our physical eyes which see first and send judgment to our mind before our mind eyes get started. Therefore, why not wait for a few minutes when you see someone for the first time and make any judgment about him, until our mind eyes also see him, so that you can draw a conclusion with both eyes.