Dec 6, 2008

double speak is a lie or not? - heekyung.CHO

A second kind of doublespeak is jargon, the specialized language of a trade, profession, or similar group,such as that used by doctor, lawyears, engineers, educators, or car mechanics. Jargon can serve an important and useful function.

Quote from Doublespeak.

Many professional people use this jargon. they think the jargon can more cleary communicate each other. Moreover, jargon can more efficiently, and quickly.

I think the jargon is more cleary, because if lawyer explain about their situation, they can say more clearly and more quickly. So, on that time, they use jargon.
but, jargon like the wuphemism, can also be doublespeak. So, I feel totally difficult, what is doublespeak or not. moreover, what is a lie or not.

in the ":Doublespeak"article, jargon ias doublespeak often makes the simple appear complex, the ordinary profound, the obvious insghtful. In this sense it si used no to express but impress.

Nevertheless, many general space using jargon.

I also can not understand ealisly jargon. it is too hard to me. T.T


Leslie said...

I absolutely agree with you.....:)For me, jargon is too hard to understand it, not only english but also korean, too. It is difficult to figure out what they want to say. Sometimes, i think that why don't they speak easily...hahaha :)


Leslie said...

Jargon. it is a special term for the people who are in a professional job. They need to use a fargon becuase of useful between them not between me and doctor for example. it is easy for professional people to talk.
i personally think that there has to be jargon. it's hard to understand for us, but it's convenient for them to use it.

jake yoon