Dec 14, 2008

The Power of Body Language(Yongfei Gu)

This is an interesting video about the body language,the special language can tell others what are you thinking about or what's your feeling at that moment.For instance,when someone has their hands in their pockets it's a mild form of dejection, not "hey look at my genitals."
Actually,people communicate with others by many different kinds of ways. Body language is one of these kinds.
Many disabled people such as deaf people and blind people, they do not have the capabilities of speaking. So the only way for them to contact with others is using the body language.
Nowadays, there are more and more schools teach these kind of courses. They tell the students to understand the environment by using their sense organs.Thus, they can communicate with the disabled people.
Consequently, this different knid of special language can bring us to another world and understand others easier.

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