Dec 8, 2008

black slang - Heekyung.CHO

" Black Slang" can not describe black language, because clearly most black language is composed of standard English. However, when referring to actual slang that blacks created (my bad, dis), "black slang" is the right term.

Quote from Black talk and pop culture.

I think the black slang is really similar with teenage language in korea. Teenage korean people always use their own language that is a kind of slang. they like say shortly, created their own word. I think that is really similar with black slang. the most korean teenage language also composed of standard koran.

Nowadays, many white young people also using black language = black slang. that means are the black slang is not a just black language. that is one of english language parts.
Moreover, we can hear the black slang in TV show . Therefore, the black slang was used social space also.
I think that the black slang is really useful english function .

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