Dec 9, 2008

Editing -Heekyung.CHO

" Editing is a human enterprise."

-Quote from "Talk about editing"

I think the editing is a human source a part of writing. the writing is by nature subjective. Sometimes, an editor will think a writer is saying something that she isn't. But our editing process gives writer and editor plenty of time to sort out any misunderstandings before the article goes to press. And if a mistake gets through, we do our best to correct it as quickly as possible.

The Editing have to need for adjusting essay. I think that the adjusting essay can helps more valuable essay making.
I think also the editing is one of part of essay. whole article and essay can not perfect first making. Therefore, all of articles and essays are need to adjusting. that can be help with your essay more clearly and better.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

i agree with you, i can learn a lot from the correcting by others. also, people can learn from asjusting others' articles.

xiaoshu zhu