Dec 5, 2008

powerful language:body language --Bin Ye

It is said that language is powerful, not only because what you say, but also the way you express what you say. However, of various kinds of language, body language is the most useful language for all people.

Body language contains facial language, eye contact, gesture and posture. We often use it when we can’t express something well in words or at some special time. For example,when the one sitting beside you are speaking loudly,and you don’t want to borther other people you could put your finger on your mouth to turn down her voice. Waving one's hand is to say "Good-bye." A smile and handshake show welcome, and clapping hands means congratulations. Sometimes we needn’t say too much, the body language can express. We can also use body language to communicate with many unable people who can’t speak. It's so amazing that using this kind of communication instrument we can talk with people wherever they come from.Language is powerful that a phrase or a single word can have as well as a smile,an eye contact or a gesture.

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