Dec 14, 2008

YunJu Chung

"The grass is awalys greener on the other side of the fence."

I believe that people awalys want what they do not have. What lies behind my reasoning is that human nature is insatiable. Greed is innate to human beings. For example, small children will cry and fight over toys, food, and attention from adults. I think that this behavior is not learned, but innate. In additon, advertisements show products with new designs and functions so these advertisements imply that buying new products will make them happy and content. Generally, as the old saying goes, "Greed has no limits."


Quincy Shen said...

It is true!
I think most people have the same feeling, such as me. I really happey when I buy some new clothes.
Nevertheless, I think it is not a bad thing if you meet your demands legally.

Quincy Shen said...
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