Dec 17, 2008

Younghee Jeong

Writing a diary
I did not like writing when I was young. Maybe I hated writing. Whenever I had to write something, I did not know what I started from and talked about even there was a given specific topic. Before I stated to write, I had to think about what I would write about and it always took a long time. I remember that I was writing in class and every student had to make a composition. By the way, I could not finish writing nevertheless we had enough time. I actually tried to write hard, but I felt that everything that I would talk about was mixed in my head and did not know how to express my thinking. Therefore, I did not get good grade and my teacher scolded me because I was the only person who could not finish the composition. That was why I hated writing and writing was the thing which is stressful thing for me.

When I was in middle school, my teacher gives us the task that we have to write a diary everyday. Though I was stressed as soon as I heard of it, she said that it was not relevant to a grade at all and she just wanted to talk with us. If I wrote a diary, I could receive her respond the next day. I thought that I really liked to get her respond. When I was worried or happy about something, I wrote those things in my diary and I could feel that she cared about my feeling. Actually, teacher was the person who I always had to polite, respect and could not treat and talk in comfort. However, after we talk to each other with diary, I felt that she became one of my friends. After then, I started to write a letter to her and could talk with her in diary. I felt that writing was the thing that I could express my thinking and feeling and was not a difficult thing at all. I realized that writing could be fun. The diary was a start that I could like writing and I still have it.

I still feel that writing is not easy, but I do not think that writing is not fun or boring. Though it still take a lot of time to write for me, I feel comfortable and sometimes feel excited that I could tell my opinion and view with writing at least during the time. When I am writing, I feel like that I am talking to my self and can talk about anything that I want to talk. Therefore, writing became the thing that I can express my thinking and feeling honestly. Maybe because of the diary, I could feel comfortable in writing. I still write a journal everyday and it is good for me because it makes me feel calm and to think and look back myself. Even when I write something else, I could write in comfort like I am writing journal.

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