Dec 11, 2008

writing is freedom.- heekyung.cho

Writing is a form of personal freedom. It frees us from the mass identity we see in the making all around us. In the end, writers will write not to be outlaw heros of some underculture but mainly to save themselves, to survive as individuals to save themselves, to survive as individuals.

Don Delillo - American novelist vorn in NewYorkCity b.1926.

the writing is a formof personal freedom, because we always write what i am thinking. I think that is a kind of personal freedom. When i was start writing i always write about what i am doing today which is english diary. That is one of show my identity by writing.
The writing is most powerful source of developed personal identity.

Before we writing, our identity was not completely. however, after we write about our something such as feeling, thinking. and so on. we can make our identity more perfectly.
So, I think the writing is one of great way of making our personal identity/


Leslie said...

writing is form of personal freedom.
we write something from our ideas and we write something we see other writings and we write. So, writing itself can be freedom from a lot of people.
There must be a first writer. start from him, writing of freedom is spreading large.

jake yoon

Leslie said...

I think sometimes an essay is not a form of personal freedom because, even though there are many things about which I want to talk, some idea doesn't match with the topic and structures. Actually, I cannot feel freedom about writing essay.

---Seungbae LEE