Dec 7, 2008

The Power of Language (Seungbae LEE)

"In fact, just a few words often have more of an impact than long speeches and rambling sentences." --- The Power of Language by Jessie Lange

This sentence motivate me to write some comment in The Power of Language. Sometimes, words are the most important in this society. Just one word or a phrase can affect people. For example, there is some phrase that is impressing me. "Beetter late than Never." Nowadays, I'm always keeping in mind this sentence. I never miss any classes even though I am late. Anyway, this sentence makes me try not to be lazy.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

I agree with you. the one word can changes whole world. That means the languages are really powerful things all around the world. I always keep " possible " word in my mind. That can give to me a lot of change in my life.
I like the word " Possible."
