Dec 14, 2008

Fear of the “Blank Page”(Svetlana)

Familiar feeling when you have mass of ideas and projects in your head. It seems like those ideas flying in the air, but when you sit down to express your thoughts, and you see blank, white, like snow, sheet of paper you get very queer feeling of fear… What is it? Fear of the “blank page”? Sometimes I can sit for hours with clean page lying in front of me, especially, when volume of my written work has to be impressive.

Usually I got that feeling because I have too many ideas and none of them have a clear structure. It seems that all I have in my head is a mess. To struggle such a problem, I start write all of these ideas down, and then clean them up by adding new and eliminating ones which are not suitable to my thesis. By doing it I clarify outline of my future “masterpiece” :))))

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