Dec 10, 2008

Black English (Seungbae Lee)

"African-American vernacular, black English, black talk, Ebonics, hip-hop slang- whatever you want to call it, black-inspired language is all over mainstream pop talk like white on rice."

from "Black Talk and Pop Culture" ------ by Leslie Savan

I agree with this. Ebonics, hip hip slang is a general trend about talking style. Not only the white people but also international students use the black English. For example, when I come across the American friend and other international student who is from China or Japan, I always say hello to them; like "Whatssup man?" "Whatssup bro?" ,furthermore just "ssup man?" omitting "What." Like this, Black talking is giving the big effects on spoken language of English.


Leslie said...

I agree with you. I am also international student in United States. Moreover, i am using sometimes black english with my frineds. Sometimes, the black slang is more easier than regular english. I think also that tha black slang is given big effects when we spoke english.


Leslie said...

But, when you use "black english" you have to careful , its not always good way to start with black english. sometimes, when i take an exam or have an interview, unexpectedly i use black english..
so learn proper english first and then learn which called "Black Englsih"

jake yoon

Leslie said...

i think we should start to learn english from the very basic and standart way. black english should learn after we can use english confortable and we know when should use it, or we would confused ourselves....

xiaoshu zhu

strawberry said...

It seems I need talk to more black peole to learn their language~~haha

Frank Ye said...

Black English is really interesting. I always hear black english on campus, and also I learned a little bit.