Sep 9, 2008

Jeanie: Simple point of view from the essay `Long Overdue`

(first of all my quotation key does not work. I will use `` instead.)

`Think of something you said Now write what you wish you had said.`

This quote used in the essay `Long Overdue` by writer`s favorite poet. According to the essay, she mentioned this quote before she started to talk about her stories. Her purpose of saying this quote is that she wanted readers to understand how long she been thinking about her experiences being half Arab woman. And finally she wrote it!

According to the quote and the sentence after (But I am always thinkging of the times I said nothing), writer is telling us that never spoke out loud what she always thinking.
From my experience, I think it is better to speak out loud IF, somebody treat you as different because of color,nationality,age or gender. Because as you see the writer was keeping her anger and she is still pretty upset about it.
I would like talk more about this later on, because I have a lot of things to say. But for my next `official` essay, I will keep my self quiet and talk more about it later.

p.s; I would love to get some feedback about what I said ! :)
Heeyoun Huang (aka Jeanie)


Leslie said...

Actually, instead of the sentence you quoted, I agree with Strawberry to quote the sentence next, since that is what the author really focued on. However, your quote is what I want to encoruage all of you to do, write what you wish to say but haven't got any chance to say.

As we know, it needs courage, either the courage to show yourself to others openly, or the courage to be some people's target. But at least, you will leave no regret. The times when you you said nothing but wish you had said will keep bother you for the rest of life. I guess that is also the motivation of this writer to write it out even after a long overdue, because it's better to be late than nothing.

Jing said...

from my point of view, probably the writer is a person who would like to exprss herself by writing instead of speaking, also there is a possibility that she was seriously shocked at that time, so caught the voal paralysis. in our daily life,we may have many times that we regret about something we didn't take our effort to fix the misunderstanding, but I thinks sometimes it's also never late to correct the "long overdue". a person who lives in the world is continously accepting the new informational resources frome various field. people would like to accept the new sound and explaination. so now just do what have regreted to do.

Frank Ye said...

I agree your opinion "it is better to speak out loudly" . When someone treat me as different because of color,nationality, age or gender,I will speak out and tell him, the ethnical conflict is unequal. But sometimes I will shy to speat out or afraid of causing conflict, and after that I always regret I didn't say anything.Therefore, I will wirte out in my diary.