Sep 10, 2008

Jing Zhou: The Development of the" Butterfly Effect'

Several years ago i was shocked by the theory of the " butterfly effect" there is hypothesis that if a butterfly waves its wings, it will cause the horrible earthquake in Asia.Butterfly effect means: in the system of power, a tiny change can cause the big chain reaction of the whole system. It seems like impossible from viewing the little elment, but if you synthesis every possible elements , then trying to make a complicated mathematical equality in the professional way. Then you will believe it and think about its horrible consequence in the end.

the american film " butterfly effect" is just a development of the theory, The theory was developed into the real world, a boy's whole growing process was recorded, the film talks about the big influence of childhood will cause the big consequence when he grows up, even a little behavior will be the reason of making mistake when growing up. even though you are still young, the things those you do will become a behavior throughout your whole life time . Personality is a thing that can't be easily changed, so why not be careful about your behavior when you are still young, when you are still a little tree that can be watered .


Leslie said...

An astonishing effect, but very possible. The film is also impressive, and I really want to watch it.

Then I may recommend everyone to see it, too, because according to your introduction, it sounds great and full of meanings.

Frank Ye said...

I can't understand the "butterfly effect" . When the butterfly waves its wings, will it cause the horrible earthquake? It's amazing.But after I read your article I can believe that is possible, just because of your great introduction. And I really want to watch it.