Sep 16, 2008

Rome was not Built in a Day

“Like the slow walk of certain species of trees from the flatlands up into the mountains.”

I was impressed with this quote, which is also can be connected with my personal thought. In this article, a slow walk of tree mean that it is still a long time before people change the judgments and prejudice, especially for the problem of races. People always have some incorrect thought on black people, which let black people feel unfair and anxious. No matter what they did in success, people still have the prejudice on them. In my point of view, most of the prejudice comes from and began with the history. People always judge something connecting with the history. But no matter how serious it is, we still should possess with hope. It is true that changing the thought that has been a long time needs a long time, also many other things need a long time to be formed in terms of personality and characteristic. From we are young; we are influenced not only by our parents’ education, but also by the surrounding environment. With the development of our thought, it is possible that a little behavior will become one part of our personality. Moreover, the impression that you leave on others’ mind also needs a process, we can’t judge a person from his appearance. Only after we get along and know more from them, then we can get the accurate impression from others. Only judging people is from one little aspect is narrow and subjectively.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Rome is not built in a day, it's built at night.

This reminds me a joke long time ago.

Anyway, I think you are right. It needs hundreds of thousands of years to shape prejudice or racism, it must need much much longer time to remove it. Still, we need to harbor a hope that that day finally will come, though it might be a very slow walk. At least, it is moving forward.

I always very enjoy reading your post. It's really insightful.