Sep 21, 2008

It is good to be open about things!!!! (Heeyoun Huang)

"I think it is good to be open about things"

the quote from the article "We Get Along by Not Getting Along" had that quote by 16 years old boy, who is Jews. But what he said is that since the jews people don't want the black people to be in their area, they don't want to go there neither.

it's something that american people should be open too. because since america is very diverse, it's kind of weird to be racist in america. Everybody is different, so you can't base the actions of one race to that entire race. so you can't be so close minded;you have to be open minded, open about the things. If you want to be ignorant, just to be ignorant.

you see all the time even you see on the train, like group of loud black people, and you see like old white person, who doesn't know anything about, and the white person started to acting weird, like hiding purse. It's getting better but it's all about the people if they can change or not.
we should try to realized that group of people doesn't represent the entire race. we have to be more open minded, and peoples' acting is because how they grew up.

'judge a book by its cover' . try not to make one person that you see, trying to think that is not the other people like.
to be open minded about things, we should trying to learn more and educate yourself before you talk about thing you don't know.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Take each case as individual case (Leslie)

We know every individual can only stand for himself and be responsible for his own behavior. However, in many cases, if that specific individual is the only one you have met out of a certain category, you might tend to overgeneralize. For example, if you have only one friend who is a gay, or who snores, or who talks a lot after drinking, you might generalize that all the gays are like him, or all snoring people snore in his way, or all drinking people might talk a lot, etc.

Therefore, we people tend to take one case as the typical example of all the cases of that type.

As you said, we should not "judge a book by its cover", and shouldn't judge one book for all books. But actually what we really did are always what we shouldn't.

1. "We shouldn't trying to learn more and educate yourself beforeyou talk about thing you don't know" --> Why does this sentence start with "we", but end up with "you".

2. "You can't base the actions of one race to that entire race." --> I think what you really mean is that " You can't judge the entire race based on the actions of a few people's behavior.

3. "try not to make one person that you see, trying to think that is not the other people like." The meaning is not expressed with right words. Rewrite it.