Sep 20, 2008

Far Away From Reaching Harmony (BIN YE)

""In My "Negro Problem--and ours," Podhoretz writes that the hatred he feels for blacks makes itself known to him through a variety""

we cannot deny all of the black males because of some muggers what were black males. In the artical the writer described how was he misunderstanded by others and he cited some instance that some black males suffered discrimination from white people: some black males were injured accidentally by white policemen. They just afraid that the black males were muggers. Actually some black males were victims.
Personally speaking, we cannot discriminate against black males, do people think about the sense of treason? If they suffered discrimination continually, that will result their sense of treason, they will disregard people's minds to do some illegal things. It cause that the world far away from reaching harmony forever. Thus, I think people should obviate the prejudice of black males, be objectively to understand the difference between people. Let our world to be full of harmony.


Leslie said...

Reach out your hands and Hold others tight (Leslie)

I like the picture you attached. When we want some kind treatment from others, maybe we reach out our hands first.

But I am not quite clear what you mean by "the sense of treason"? Do you want to say, sometimes people may really go to the opposite direction when they were forced too hard to do one thing. Is it rebellious attitude?

Frank Ye said...'s this meaning.