Sep 21, 2008

Racial Discrimination (Seungbae Lee)

"women are particularly vulnerable to street violence, and young black males are drastically overrepresented among the perpetrators of that violence."

This quote is from "Black Men and Public Space. At the quote, I was motivated to write some comment.
It's because the quote content is about racial discrimination. These days, people are trying to get over that unfair system. But, I think racial discrimination is still happening in the world, especially U.S. Actually, it is not only black people but also Asian people who is the victim of racial discrimination.
For example, in America, there are so many immigration procedures (including VISA) to Asian visitors and students whereas Europeans who is white people don’t need VISA. Also, there were no black politicians in American history.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Visa issue? Not sure whether it's also discrimination (Leslie)

They might have different standards to people from different countries, and I have no way to judge whether it is also a racial discrimination issue.

And about black politicians, there are some in American history, though there isn't a president.

Try to find some other more convincing supports.