Sep 14, 2008

JinHyun Baek "Long overdue"

From the 'Long overdue" I read a quote "But I am always thing of the times I said nothing."

I think pretty many people agree with this quote, and I also have thought the quote, becaue so many times, I have regretted to do not have talking with new people especially foreigners to me. They look different and use different language so I feel different from them. I hesitate to talk to the foreigners, and after all I always regret about that. Therefore. I need to be barve to have talking with new people who are especially foreigners.


Leslie said...

I have similar experoence with Jin Hyun. It was almost a year ago, a Jewish shouted 'cockroach' to me after a murder case which a Korean-American shot many students in University of Virginia. But I could't say any word to him.
Jade - Hyungsoo Bang

Leslie said...

You need to be brave to talk to anyone, not just foreigners.

It seems many of you focused on the same quote. If so, why not make your voice heard first in our class, and then you will find your voice will be much louder than others with lots of insights and knowledge.

I want to hear more from you.