Sep 21, 2008

Talking about not talking about race (Avish)

"Playing the race card"
I disagree with the writer when she says that Political leader are playing with the race card to win more votes.
Because i think if Obama is using such thing then he can't come to this level. To be at this position obama must had also got the support from the white people. And if he has done somthing good then only people can support him. And the same thing is about McCain. They both going to need votes to be the leader from the people from whole nation, so how can they play with the race card, because if they do so then they are not going to get votes from the posite race people.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Race card (Leslie)

It's always ugly for anyone to take race as the card to win in politics. It's the pain of people, and to take advantage of people's pain to win whatever one wants is always the last step he should take.

For a prospective president, it will also lead to a failure if he does so.