Sep 13, 2008

For Whom the Bell Tolls, Mayur Raniya

No man is an island, entire of itself;
Every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.

Any man's death diminishes me,
Because I am involved in mankind.

I like this quote very much because it speaks about the commonality of mankind. The quote expresses that every person is a part of greater whole. A continent is made up of different terrains such as mountains, plains, forests and rivers which represents the diversity of mankind. Each one of us is interconnected with one another so much so that the death of anyone will diminish a part of our own soul because we will no longer be able to explore that person's experience and wisdom. For example, I try to learn and grow from each person I meet on a daily basis. I personally enjoy the fact that we are all unique and different. The reason being is that dissimilarities bring new experiences, knowledge and insight. I would love to keep everyone i know in my life. However, there are too many people in the world for me to meet in only one lifetime. With that being said, I feel like I lose the opportunity to grow as a person when someone passes, whether or not I actually met them.


Leslie said...

I agree with you definitely that everyone is unique and different. It is the fun of life to meet different people and enjoy diversity. Therefore, we should feel thankful that there are such diverse groups of people in the world. How can you imagine a world with complete whiteness or blackness? And without white, there is no black and vice versa. That is how this world is created, either by God, or by other unknown power.

I appreciate that you treasure everyone you have met in your life and I am sure my life will be more treasurable with you appearing.

"With that being said, I feel like I lose the opportunity to grow as a person when someone passes, whether or not I actually met them." I cannot understand this sentence well. "With that being said" is an odd expression. And what does "when someone passes" mean? Do you mean "someone passed away"?

Mayur Raniya said...

yes i mean someone passed away.