Sep 28, 2008

Jokes offensive to me as a woman? a man?

JinHyun Baek
"I don't think you intended this, but I found a number of those jokes offensive to me as a woman."


People usually just say something for fun or joking, but the others who is listening to the talking can feel bad. However, they do not say those kind of talking on purpose. Therefor, when we say someting, we should think about what I will say, and how listener will feel.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Listeners always have two more ears (Leslie)

It's always too late to explain that you didn't mean it when you really told a joke offending the listener. Therefore, as you said, you have to think before telling any joke whether the listeners might be offended. However, the offensive joke should always be avoided whether or not the people targetted are sitting there or not. It's still uneasy for other listeners, too. What's worse is that it may taint the joker's image, too.