Sep 14, 2008

Quincy Shen:Passing Those Choices

"I am always thinking of the times I said nothing."
This is a quote from a famous article"Long Overdue". It represents a common phenomenon exist in our daily life using straightforward words. And it really affect me a lot.
Some fathomless, grotesque caves come into your tender twinkly eyes simultaneously. To stand still and wait, dithering about how to pass the exclusive life way hereafter. Retrospect to the incessant crossroads we arduous tided over; unfortunately, the wrong choices we have made previously guided us to an unfamiliar turning point. Disorientation, misgivings and expectations occupied in our mind immediately. The tears we dropped flowed into our throbbing hearts to teach us to discriminate between right and wrong; the bygones we deliberated constantly ripened us into maturity. Those simple hearted and tender eyes become emotionless and overcast. So human beings actually did not particularly care about the decisions they made before unless the consequences lead an irretrievable offense. Just like those caves would concretely take you to an impasse which means a place has no outlets. In another hand, some caves barely can be seemed as circle rounds which cannot procure serious consequences.
In your dreamland, you saw an old man walked alone and helpless, stretching out his gaunt dirty arms and expected your negligible alms giving. Fastening your look upon his muddy eyes, you put one coin into his trembling hands and showed all your respects. In fact, you gave nothing to him that sorrowful day, just looking his weak body stand a gust of wind. You may doubted that why you dreamed about it; that means, you actually regretful at that moment. After award cannot offer you another chance; it was just an small interlude in your life. No matter what you will do in the same situation; you cannot give him a fate. Those choices you made can only influenced your fate. Consequently, that is fate. That is the long, long overdue!

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