Sep 28, 2008

Get along by not getting along (Avish)

"When you don't talk, misunderstanding beginnings"
This essay is very short, though says many things. This essay is very interesting. When i read this qoute in the essay i realized many thing from this sentences.
If 2 person from different race meets daily at same place like at bus stop, college or some where else, but they dont talk with each other and just watch each other and behave strangely in front of each other, then both of them will create negative image in the mind for each other. After that later on a little fire will take the place of exploison in the relationship between those people from different race. If people from different race continued to avoid each other and don't allow themself to cross the race limit line then racial discrimination will never vanish.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Unfortunately, it's the common case. (leslie)

We get along by not getting along. No one denies that it won't bring any productive influence to the society. By not getting along, only misunderstanding will accumulate and every problem comes from misunderstanding. Unfortunately, this is the common case. We usually avoid any contact with people we know little or we feel different. No talk, no eye contact, just pass by.

Friendship always needs a brave one to start the first word. Why not to be that starter? You.