Sep 27, 2008

lines in the mind, the earth (YEAJEONG LEE)

" There is no place where land ends and sea begins. "

This sentence from "Lines in the mind", Donella H. Meadows.

If you see the map, you can see a lot of territory between countries and sea. This is from all human. People made lots of lines, territory. Some countries which located nearby sea, they also have territory to sea. That countries do not allow to invade their territory, because they think that is their own one. As this auother mentioned that there is no indication in the earth. If you see the satellite picture of the earth, you cannot find lines. I think these lines are from people's imagination. People cannot divide the earth and think this earth is their own one.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Who drew the lines between people? (Leslie)

You are definitely right that there actually is no line between any countries and territories. We show our children or students a globe or map which is totally different from the earth we are living on?

It's people who drew all kinds of lines and built fences between themselves. For what? Is it people's nature to guard their territory, as what lions do? When we are proud of our civilization, we are also more ashamed to notice that we are the only creature in the world who are living with all these tangible and intangible lines between everyone of us.