Sep 21, 2008

Black Men and Public Space. Hyungjun Kim

"At dark, shadowy intersections in Chicago, I could cross in front of the car -black, white, male, or female- hammering down the door locks."

Nowadays, we have many kinds of races and live together in the Earth. Asians, African Americans, white people and Hispanics all of people are same. However, this society has racial discrimination. This is a big social problem. Nobody can discriminate other people. All of people have liability to live without discrimination.


Leslie said...

One of the best quote, but not the comment (Leslie)

This quote is one of the best quotes I like, but it's a pity that you didn't give a good comment. It's such a vivid description to the embarrassing situation the author bumped into.

Did you notice that even black people were hammering down the door locks? Is it also out of the discrimination? Remember the sound "thunk, thunk, thunk, thunk", standing for the locks at four doors? It's just so funny. We call these kind of jokes as grey jokes, making fun of someone's pain.

Leslie said...
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