Sep 27, 2008

HyunJu Ji: Let's talk

Race is the one topic that's probably even more taboo in polite company than sex.
- Talking about not talking about race

I totally agree with this statement. Even me, myself, hesitate to say loudly about race.
Actually, althought I need a help of writing center for Eng2f I hesitate to bring my writings because of its subject.
I don't know why I am hesitating to show my writing in public even I'm not a racist.
Maybe, I am afraid of considered as a racist.

I have met a gentle man who are African-American. We were talking about each family and he told me " I'm the only person who has a dark black colored skin and culrly hair in my family, they have bright brown color. But it's not bad because I don't need to care about a sunburn". I was so surprised about how he mentioned about those sensetive subject in public. If another person who are not black told about that joke it may occured severe problem even the person is not a racist.

The U.S.A is the biggest multiethnic and multicultural society in the world. It means the U.S.A is a nation made by so many differences. However, people in the U.S.A do not want to talk about their differences. Historically, the U.S.A cannot say 'I'm innocent about racism', however, it is something strange to keep silence about race even someone who are not a rasist. I think problems are came out from that silence. For resolving a certain problem, a conversation is required and for the conversation we should start to say something rather than keeping a silence.


Leslie said...

I agree with your opinion!!

I also cannot say about differences between American and the others.
I think that is really big problem about racism. Moreover, Manytimes, I also keep silences about differences even my American friends. I want to talk with more about differences. But they are not wants.


Leslie said...

More taboo than sex (Leslie)

Race is more taboo than sex. It seems that people have obtained more freedom in sex than in race.

It's a shock for me that this topic restricted you from going to the writing center for help. If so, it's my bad. Maybe I have brought too sensitive topic to all of you.

Actually, just because America is an immigrant country, with people from all kinds of origins, racism becomes such a big problem. Comparatively speaking, other countries are more hegemonic than heterogeneous, so it doesn't display so severely.

However, the world is becoming more American-like with people of different origins mobiling everywhere, so it's always better to confront with this problem earlier instead of covering it or avoid it.