Sep 14, 2008

Talk and talk! (Seungbae Lee)

"Leave unspoken. People will talk and talk while the almond tree is blooming."

This quote is from the article "Long Overdue." I was interested in this sentence.
Yes, people need to talk and interact with many others. Starting from gossiping,
we can exchange information or opinion with each other by discussion.
And also, by talking and expressing ourselves and our own opinion, we can be self-confident. Other people are really talking, listening, interacting when we are not doing. If so, extremely speaking, we are going to be silly.

From now on,I'm gonna be unspoken before my language skill is getting worse and self-distrust.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Agree with your partially

I agree with you that we should talk and communicate, but I don't agree we can start from gossiping, since it usually is taken as unacceptable behavior to gossip about others.

And what make me really puzzled is your last sentence. I think you have to explain it further, since I am not sure whether you want to speak or not from now on.