Sep 8, 2008

A Quote From "Long Overdue"

"But I am always thinking of times I said nothing"
This sentence comes from "Long Overdue". The sentence is so-called a transition in the article. Before the sentence, the author was just telling a story as an example to make the introduction of the whole writing. However after this sentence apears, it really leads to what the author want to tell us. She said that she is always thinking about what she didn't say. What happened? It made us want to read further. Then Nye talked about the embarassing situation where the Arabs met by her own experience. We can figure out that even though it is just a simple sentence, it makes the structure of the essay really clear. At the same time, it also makes the reader to think about the problem about Arabs she mentioned in the essay.
Liu Yang Xue


Leslie said...

You are very right to take that sentence as a transitional sentence, which leads the reader to the real meaning of the writer, her experiences of confronting racism without saying anything to fight back. These examples explain why the author chooses the beginning story about "long overdue". What has been overdue for long time is people's courage to fight against racism, which only makes the situation even worse.

Jing said...

you are really correctly concentrated on the one sentence which connected with the whole structure of the essay,It is ture that this sentence concludes the reason why she wrote so many stories, the reason is she's seriouly regret for that, which also can reflect that now how bad feeling she has about the Long overdue.vocal paralysis sometimes must cause many misunderstanding, if you don't explain the truth, you can't blame people who said the incorrect words.