Sep 26, 2008

effective people are just effective?(JAKE YOON)


-Stephen R Covey

Do you want to know to being a effective person?
there are 7 habits that make you effective person.

1. Be proactive.
2. Being with the end in mind
3. Put first things first
4. Think win/win
5. Seek first to understand, Then to be understood
6. Synergize
7. Sharpen the Saw

This book is thick.. I started to read like two months ago, but i haven't finished yet.
but some day, I will..

the most impressive part was #5. SEEK FIRST TO UNDERSTAND, THEN TO BE UNDERSTOOD. I found one quote from that chapter.

"I feel already happy when I can understand. The rest doesn't matter."

Sometimes I do work or do homework, or do something before I understand. Of course, the result is not good. There are steps before do start something. For example, if you have a assignment to write an essay. Before you start to write an essay, you have to fully understand what essay is about, what is the topic of an essay. If not, you are going to write totally different than what you’re wanted to write.

After you understand what you want to do, what you have to do, you can get a specific information and accurate source. Then you’re going to be happy for it.

So we know what we need to be an effective person. So let’s understand first!


Leslie said...

Jake Yoon, I am totally agree with the example you provide. To get a clear thought is extremely important when I am going to write an essay. Sometimes I didn't really understand what Professor wanted, I just wrote what i thought. Then the comment I got always frustrated me. By this reason, I am standing on your side. Seek fisrt to understand, then to be understood.

Leslie said...

I forgot to post my name (Edward Chen)

Leslie said...

7 Habits to be effective (Leslie)

It's becoming bigger and bigger problem to be effective in this busy society in which everyone is loaded with so many duties or assignments.

I can understand your quotation, but some other habits are not clear and hope you can further explain them.

It's always necessary to understand the requirements for any task very clearly before you start to act, so that you won't waste your and others' time and energy. If you won't do things right, how can you be understood?

Leslie said...

i read some other habits, but just some parts, so im going to keep reading.
for the first habit, 'Be Proactive', everyone knows that active is a good word, and you might heard that 'early bird gets the worm'before. that is the example of the word active. What about PROactive. it is the same word as progressive, enterprising. the definition is able to change events rather than react to them, and make things happen. i think leadership supports the proactive. if you be a proactive, you can get a leadership, and when you realize that you are a leader of one group, you can be a effective person
it's also important factor ro be an effective person.