Nov 8, 2009

(Hao Su) Bibliography for Research Paper

TOPIC: The Crash Come Form Japan

1. Japanese Horror Cinema

This article told me that How Has Japanese Horror Cinema, Influenced Both Audiences and the Film Industry Internationally.

This is a part of Japanese culture output.

2. Judo

This article tells us the history of judo and the impact in the Olympic.

3. Karate

A very detailed information of karate. I will use these data to prove that the impact of Japan's sports on the world.

I will use these data to prove that the impact of Japan's sports on the world.

4. Japanese 'Anime' animation making the rounds in U.S
Japanese animation has a great influence on United States.

This is a person's point of view, is used to prove that my idea.

5. “Contributing to the future of the American automobile industry” by Japanese Automobile Manufacturers association.

This is a great study on the impact of Japanese auto companies in United States.

I am going to quote the data inside the article.


Jianjie Zhao said...

your resourse is quiet interesting, I almost can see every aspect of japanese culture and why it it popular in this world.

Leslie said...

Try to go deeper than just introduction.

Explain in what way and in what degree each of these Japanese products influence the world culture.

Why do these Japanese products succeed in controlling the world culture?
