Nov 15, 2009

outline of research paper

Topic: Car Crashes in China and USA
Thesis Statement:comparing the car crashes in China and USA, the reasons why it happens and the social culture makes what kinds of differences about car crashes in China and USA.
Purpose: Though showing the difference social culture of car crashes in China and USA, let the readers to think more about culture and development of these two countries.
Tone: serious
Point of view: the third person
How I feel about the car crash that I met in USA, and the case of Janklow who was a American politician with the Republican Party drove at least 70 miles an hour killing a person. That is the reason why I am interested in the car crash, it happens everyday. How to prevent the terrible thing happening and why it has the difference in China and USA.
ⅠHow many cars the Chinese have for private use and how many cars the American have? I get the data from the web site and news. How many car crashes happened in China and USA, what is the changes from 2005 to 2007? What it shows? They are all the background.
ⅡThe reason which cause most car crashes happened is alcohol. How many car crashes involved in alcohol and what is the social and cultural reasons make people drunk driving?
ⅢOver speed driving is another major reason to cause the car crashes. Population and the highway facility may be the difference in China and USA.
Ⅳ Some traffic rules are different which are one reason that cause the difference of car crashes in China and USA, like stop sign and parking seats.
The cultural and social reasons make the car crashes happen in China and USA, what we should do is to dig the reasons and try to decrease the happening of crashes. We should all learn from others and benefit from others under the thinking of the different social and cultural conditions.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

First of all, please tell what is the result of your comparison between China and USA, before starting to analyze the reasons which bring these similarities or differences.
I suppose it will be given in background introduction.

Then Part II is about the reasons. According to my understanding, Part III and Part IV also belong to reasons. Therefore, I suggest you put them under Part II, as subparts.

In conclusion, I think you will provide some solutions or suggestions. If they are long, give them an individual part, before the concluding paragraph.
