Nov 1, 2009

General ideas about Essay III (Susan Chen)

After seeing this topic, immediately I thought about the car crash and some similar accidents which always happen in our daily life. However, besides those accidents, there are still many kind of conflicts exist surrounding us, such as culture conflict, gender conflict and so on. But in my essay, I would like to talk the conflict between children and parents.
It seems that for human kind, how to handle with the relationship with others is every difficult, even with our friends and parents. As the time going on, the conflict between parents and children becomes fiercer and fiercer, especially when the conflict happens between parents and adolescents.
What kinds of conflicts will happen between children and parents?
Why does this kind of things happen?
What can we do to avoid the conflict happening?


MinjianRuan said...

Good idea. I think every child has conflict with his parents.
Your great idea illumined me.

Christina~* said...

yes. there's a lot of conflict between parents and children. I also would like talk more about the immigrant families encounter with their conflict from the different generation and their mix culture crashes in my essay3.

Unknown said...

OH Children fight with parents, I like it.