Nov 1, 2009

Smugglers Blues ( Natalia Ushak)

People love entertainment and nowadays sport is for sure one of the favourite entertainment. In America proffesional sport is a huge industry with big money. Atlethets is a super herous with big fan base and sponsorships. It gives a lot of pressue for the sportman and he/she ready for everything just to have people's love and attention. In my essay i want to open the door for research and conversation about " Sport and performance-enhancing substances ". I would like to talk about not only drugs itself but more about social crash which i saw here, why people go to see bodybuilding competition, or other sport freak competition even tho they know that it is all about taking drugs? Why we asked our sportsmens for super records otherwise it is not interesting to watch. We are people who pushed others to take drugs, break law, and ect. The only real solution is for the fans to stand up and say "we don't want to see any more doping in sports." This hasn't happened, and probably won't. What this is about, pure and simple, is entertainment. We like seeing bigger-than-life people doing bigger-than-life things. The fans have arguably created the market for these drugs.
The next time you're at a bodybuilding competition and marveling at the extreme muscularity and sharp condition of the competitors, remember these moral, legal and ethical implications.
Regardless of the inequity, the law doesn't really seem to be much of a deterrent. It actually forces hundreds of thousands of athletes and bodybuilders to accept the associated risks in order to get the gear they need to be competitive; most doctors don't write steroid scripts for healthy athletes. This leaves the athletes little choice, and has, in essence, doubled the moral implications surrounding steroid use. Not only does every legitimate amateur and professional sports federation ban the use of anabolic steroids, but, so too does the law. Technically, a very large number of professional athletes and bodybuilders continually run the risk of getting banned by their sport's governing body and going to prison, not to mention dropping some serious money on the defense. In essence, they're risking the total meltdown of their athletic careers.
The same goes for football, baseball and a big chunk of the Olympics. Usually, the most competitive athletes in any sport are seriously breaking the law for your viewing pleasure. The widespread ready acceptance of this not only by the athletes, but by the audience as well. I mean i dont understand why we foolish ourself with all those banners, but we all know all athlets are using drugs. Why we just cant admit it. Or it is more interesting to play game of guessing and rumoring who is taking what?
In my paper i also will talk about famous sportmens who were catched by takig drugs and how it affects their career ( some of them become even more popular than before), why people love to see more and more freaks in the sport, what sportsmen have to do to get drugs ect.


Mengqi Zhao said...

you know what...your topic really shock...i like it...i always want to be someone who can put up some advice to the whole world..what you are trying to say is a real truth which is so hard to solve the problem..any way..I LIKE IT..

Leslie said...

Thank you! :-) Hopefully Leslie will like it too and i can write about it more lol ( Natalia Ushak)