Nov 10, 2009

Outline (Thanh Tran-Terry)

I. Introduction
Thesis: America is a country of many ethnic united, a lot of people with different religious beliefs such as Buddhism, Jewish, Muslim, Catholic people… are living together so the misunderstandings between these people are inevitable. It is really hard for people to understand each other but we have to try although it may take a long time. I believe that one day people will come to understand each other and peace is around the world, no more wars and collisions.
II. Body
1. In the past, Middle Eastern is considered the place where has terrorism and have interested in conflict with the west.
“Clash-of-civilizations fighters on this side of Huntington's fissure don't match their Middle Eastern counterparts when it comes to deliberate violence against innocents. Even so, they do much to fan the flames of conflict with their rhetoric and politics. Consider the war-of-words reaction to Warren's olive-branch appearance at this summer's Islamic conference”
2. After 9-11, the conflict between Muslim and Catholic is much more higher, wars begin between USA and Irag “The events of 9/11, ongoing war in Iraq, developments in Afghanistan, the Israeli/Palestinian conflict the Danish cartoon crisis. Pope Benedict's remarks on Islam, countless other lower-profile events events—all reflect the fact that Muslim-Christian and Muslim-Western relations stand among the defining issues of our age”
3. The question is: can we get along and come to an agreement between these religions? “Hardly a day goes by without reports of violence and conflict between Muslims, Christians, and Jews, with the emphasis in the West on acts of violence committed by Muslims and the emphasis in the Muslim world on violence perpetrated by Christians or Jews”, “Christians and Muslims have been forced to negotiate the realities of face-to-face interactions in everyday life, in political relations between Christian and Muslim nations, and in all-too-common violent conflicts.”
Resources: Academic search Premier

B. America is a country with many people united from many original countries around the world and Asian people group is a part of America. Most of Asia people are Buddhism belief while most of white and black Americans are Catholic and Christian. Therefore, sometimes, the conflict is inevitable. Buddhism is trying to make other religions come to understand each other.
“The basic message of modern Buddhism is that local and global well-being must begin with personal well-being, that large-scale problems are rooted in simple human misconceptions. Sivaraksa notes that all religions agree with this perspective; he consistently identifies peacemakers from other faiths and recounts the history of activists who more Americans should be aware of, among them Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan, a Muslim nonviolent organizer who resisted the colonial British in India”
Resources: Academic search Premier
III. Conclusion
The world has many kinds of beliefs and religions. We can’t make other people stand under one belief. What we can do is trying to make people come to understand each other so that there is no more wars in this world.


Leslie said...

The body part is still unclear.
You'd better give a short description to each part. What will each part discuss about? You don't need to give long quotes, just clarify what each of those three subparts is going to focus on.

Actually, from what you have given, you haven't formed clear ideas what different conflicts religions will bring.

What makes Part A different from Part B?

What are the three aspects under Part A?


1. Political conflicts among countries with different religions
wars, terrorist attacks, among middle east, Afghanstan, Pakistan, India, USA, etc.
2. Conflicts among people with different religions
Hindu and Muslim in India, Christian/Catholic and Buddhism in China, ISraeli and Palestinian, etc.
3. Discrimination of major religions over minor religions



CoramDeo said...

You have interesting topic, but i suggest you can even research the interviews or statistics about people's aspects to different cultures in United States to support your ideas.