Nov 8, 2009

Annotated Bibligraphy

The stereotyping of seventh grader

1. Ruo-Quan Wu, “The strawberry generation with love”, yahoo wretch-blog, 07/ 14/ 09

This is a novel, called “strawberry generation with love”. It mentions, there are so many “the strawberry generations” In the love relationship, they would not easy to promise the future and they would not shoulder economy with their lover. They just want to enjoy the surface of romantic love.

2. “The strawberry generation”, Wikipedia, 02/25/09

Introduce “The strawberry generation” meaning.
Strawberry have beautiful surface, but it cannot withstand collisions. That is equal to describe as seven graders.

3. “Moonlight Clan”, Wikipedia, 11/08/09

Introduce “Moonlight Clan” meaning.
More and more people tend to spend the whole salary for each month, so they cannot save any money in the account.

4. “The strawberry generation not equal to young people’s patents”, Xuite-blog, 08/10/09

How people become “The strawberry generation?” they force to become “The strawberry generation” because of environment changes.

5. What is “ The strawberry generation?”, Yahoo- knowledge, 07/08/09
There are have a lot of new noun, and I can use it .

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Are you going to introduce this new phenomenon or new term in your research paper? Or do some further research on its positive or negative results to the development of this generation and their influence to the society?
Think deeper than just introduce it.
