Nov 9, 2009

Outline of Paper III (Susan Chen)

1.Purpose: To do some research on the problem of child-parent conflict. Especially between adolescents and their parents.
2.Audience: Everybody
3.Tones: serious
4.Point of view: It seems that the conflict between children and parents becomes fiercer and fiercer as time goes on, especially between those adolescents who are during the period of treason and their parents. To defuse this phenomenon, both parents and adolescents should think about themselves and try to make a harmony family atmosphere.
5.Thesis statement: Child-parent conflicts are not rare problems nowadays. Because of the differences of characteristics, conflicts will happen. Even with our parents. However, from my point of view, the conflict between parents and children can be avoided to some extent. We cannot say that the appearance of the conflict is whether children’s faults or parents’. But both sides should have a meditation that why this kind of conflicts happens.
1)General instruction about the conflict between parents and children.
2)The adolescent-parent conflict has become to be a severe problem in our society. The conflict between adolescents and parents is no longer just quarrelling with each other. Sometimes it has turned to be a kind of antipathy. Take an example to support my point of view.
3)The types of the conflict between children and parents are various as the age growing
a.When we were in elementary schools, we would do as the teachers said. When the teachers’ words were different from the parents’, we would always argue with parents.
 b.Years later, we were in the period of treason time. We always fight against our parents. (detailed)
 c.When we become parents, we will probably conflict with our parents on the issues of educating the next generation, etc.
4)Explain the reason why the conflict happens.
 a.According to some statistics which have searched on the database, we can find some reasons about conflicts between children and parents.
 b.From the adolescents’ point of view, what is the reason?
 c.Form the parents’ point of view, what is the reason?
5)Talk about the outcome of child-parent conflicts. There are both positive outcomes and negative outcomes.
6)How to avoid the conflict happening? From my point of view, the most important and helpful way is communication.
 a.For adolescents, even though sometimes you will think that what the parents said is useless, you have to be nice to listen to them.
 b.For parents, try to find out a proper way to talk to your children. Be patient.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

In Part 3), there might be more than 3 types of conflicts. Think about the conflicts over the choice of husband/wife, conflicts over whether and when they should have children, conflicts when living together with parents-in-law, etc.

In Part 4), a., what are the reasons you have found in the materials from databases?

What is the conclusion?