Nov 10, 2009


Part 1 Introduction of background and thesis statement:
Thesis statement: Since I as an international student, it makes me want to talk about when people live in a foreign country what the difficulties they might encounter and how they solve those problems and difficulties.
Introduction: In Unites states, where is knows as for people immigrating, there are many different nationalities people from around the world. Most of them want to chase a better living standard, so they are willing to give up everything in their original place to start in a new life in the unites states. However, in the beginning, they must encounter some conflict such as culture differences, language and different nationality. Therefore, I am going to research some resources to talk about what they might meet and how they resolve.
Part 2 Research method:
1. From one of the resources, the table manner is different in Asia and North America even between Canada and the United States. To talk about most asian student would do some behavior on the table which is really impolite and rude to American. Besides, talk about some tips and what they are supposed to on the table and what they should be aware of it.


Leslie said...

Table manners?
Compared with other aspects jeopardizing their survival, table manners should be the minor problem.

You'd better find some major, more significant ones.


CoramDeo said...

From my experiences,

Language would be the number one problems.

lack of knowing foreing nations' history would also be the problems.
(In Korea, we learned Korean history but here is different.)

Good luck :-)