Nov 6, 2009

Family idea is important for a country

Since the first day we came in the world, our parents tell us need to be revere elders. It is a traditional family idea for Chinese families and everyone should be adheres about this idea. In western countries children have no responsibility to take care their parents after their parents lost their work ability. The governments are taking all the responsibilities from young people to ease off their mental pressure, then young people have more time to work on their own business or for the country. The governments take the responsibilities at taking care for elders for young people could show that how powerful the government is, but it may changed the idea of a family should be. A country is a family, we can not leave anyone alone from our family then we can be stronger. However. western countries may have the family idea about young people should take care of old people before, but the economy is growing may changed their idea, more people are being alone after they get old.

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