Nov 8, 2009

research paper (FANGYU LIN)

Topic: People live in a foreign country
An analysis of immigration in the United States
To talk about the United States is composed by different nationalities.

Helpful information for international students and visitors on dining manner with Americans and Canadians and talk about the slight differences between the two different nationalities. Good for actual content within the manual on how to behave and within different eating locations

This is an article about the international student how to learn a social skill when they just arrive in a new environment.


This page is a helpful hint for the new comer to in a new environment. Some behaviors might be not a problem in their countries; however, it might be a serious issue in different country.


This page talks about how to work happily in a foreign country and survive.


Leslie said...
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Leslie said...

I didn't want live in The United States when i came here, but now I change my mind . i really want live here!

Leslie said...

I think every people will change some of they mind in they whole life whatever how they think about at begining~
(Yanjun Li)

Leslie said...

All these materials you have found are more about the tips for people from other countries to adapt to the new environment of another country.

You have to realize that this is a research paper, instead of a manual. Where does your purpose lie in? some suggestions? It won't make a research paper. You have to find more academic materials and have a more academic purpose.
