Nov 1, 2009

Topic of research paper (YiFeng Wang)

Due to the diversity of culture, it may cause inevitable conflicts when two different culture collide. The result can be slight as Chinese can not adapt American fast food, and it can be serious as Israel and Palestine have been fighting for so many years. In my essay, I want to show what is culture conflict, and I will give a couple of examples that how culture conflicts happen, then I will discuss the solutions to those conflicts. They are inevitable but we can do something to stop it from being spread. Culture conflicts cause side effects, such as wars, starvation, and bring misery to people in areas where culture conflicts happen frequently. How to reduce this sort of misery? What is the essential reason of culture conflicts? If it last long, will these two culture amalgamate or still be imcompatible as fire and water? These thoughts will be showed in my essay.


MinjianRuan said...

After reading ur thought, I find I didn't know I still live in the culture crash so far.

Jianjie Zhao said...

i think your topic is too general, it is might be hard for you to develop, so you may better narrow your topic

Jianjie Zhao said...
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