Nov 8, 2009

Bibliography (Ting Shu)

Topic: To live with elderly people will change their life.
1. Niles, Bo. "Home again." Country Living Aug. 1996: 50. General OneFile. Web. 8 Nov. 2009. .

This article is talking about the relationships between parents and adults children who live at home. Their relationships changed after a son moves back in. Adult children have their own thinking and the pressures from work make the family conflict became more acute.
In this article, the family conflict should be better after their son moves back in but it became worst. The reason for the family relationships gets worst because the adult children have their own jobs after school. The pressures from work and family make adult children want to live by themselves. Then parents will let their children move out to have more space for their own.

2. "The Aging U.S. Population." World Almanac and Book of Facts. World Almanac Education Group, 2000. 865. General OneFile. Web. 8 Nov. 2009. .

This is a data about the U.S. population continues to age. The elderly population (people age 65 and over) increased 10-fold from 1900 to 1990.
From this data we found out that the elderly population has increased during 1900-1990 and the population 85 and older increased even more. The elderly population increasing gives a lot of pressures to the country. As one from the country, people should take some of the responsibility from the government at taking care of elder families.

3. GORDON, JULIE. "Telltale signs that it's time to move your parents." Denver Business Journal 52.32 (2001): 17A. General OneFile. Web. 8 Nov. 2009. .

Moving into assisted living can be a very big adjustment and transition for elderly people in many ways. If they have been living on their own, it will probably take some time to get accustomed to living in more of a community setting.
In this article, the author is warning people need to care more about the elderly people especially those elderly people who can’t take care by their own. To live with elderly can be a big help for them in their life. We also need to ask them if they need anything at any time. Do not be missing them after you lost them. Everyone will be one of the elderly people who may live along later, and you will be a model for your children if they will live with you or not.

4. Avidan, Alon Y., et al. "Insomnia and hypnotic use, recorded in the minimum data set, as predictors of falls and hip fractures in Michigan nursing homes." Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 53.6 (2005): 955-962. General OneFile. Web. 8 Nov. 2009. .

Abstract: A study examining, the relationship between insomnia, hypnotic use, falls and hip fractures in older people, aged 65 and older, staying in nursing homes in Michigan, and as recorded in the Minimum Data Set, is presented.
Using this article to tell adult children there are many problems could also happened on your elderly parents. Warning the adult children should be taking care of their parents again.

5. Older Americans: Living Longer, Living Better." World Almanac and Book of Facts. World Almanac Education Group, 2003. 494. General OneFile. Web. 8 Nov. 2009. .

Dr. Donna E. Shalala is president of the University of Miami. As secretary of Health and Human Services for a record-setting eight years, she oversaw programs including Medicare, Social Security, Medicaid and the National Institutes of Health.
This article talked about the aging problems and government's role for elderly people. It gives some goods points for elderly people how to living longer and living better. Even the elderly people may not have a child, the government will help them.

1 comment:

Christina~* said...

It's nice to warn the adult children to take care of their parents. And it's really true one day we will become one of the elderly people. We should care about those issues.