Nov 1, 2009

idea for research paper (Thanh Tran-Terry)

We are living in the world with many ethnic groups. Each ethnic group has their own religious belief. Therefore, they have their own way of living. No one can judge what they do is right or wrong because it depends on their belief but the world is not as easy as that. People with different religions always want other people having the same thinking, same action such as Christian, catholic people don’t like Islam people because Christian and catholic people think that Islam people are always terrorists. They just make the world become crazier. I have read some articles about the cultural conflict between many religious beliefs. In these articles, Islam people feel racial discrimination in America although they are good people not like terrorists in Middle East. Therefore, the collision happens between Islam and Catholic, Christian people in America. Moreover, America is a country of many ethnic united, a lot of people with different religious beliefs such as Buddhism, Jewish, Islam, Catholic people… are living together so the misunderstandings between these people are inevitable. It is really hard for people to understand each other but we have to try although it may take a long time. I believe that one day people will come to understand each other and peace is around the world, no more wars and collisions.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

I am Christian ~~ !! jesus
believe jesus~~~