Nov 15, 2009

Outline (SooHyeon.Kang)

(I changed the topic)
Audience: All people who use mass media
Tone: sharp tone
Point of view: third person
Thesis statement: mass media lead to some conflicts
Many people often use mass media as a means of learning a country’s values and social structure or as a type of simple escapist entertainment with little redeeming value. However, the mass media often causes stereotyping about: an entire society and gender role. In addition, the mass media makes people confusing about what is the truth.

a.Although mass media gives insight into what values are important to a country, it causes some stereotypes about the world. When watching movies, character’s action show what values are important. But, it does not represent entire society and sometimes disregard a person’s individuality.

b.The mass media reveals stereotypes of gender role because it portrays gender roles naturally in a drama or story. And it causes people adhere to past gender role.

c.In today’s society, newspapers and broadcasting companies play an important role on conveying useful information and news to viewers. But, they do not take a neutral attitude any more, and thus try to draw more viewers through dramatic description.
Example1) news media reported a certain murder case as a big incident, even if the suspect was not proved to be guilty.
Example2) my experience-mass media reported some news in favor of only one side. This made it impossible to understand world events such as the war in Iraq.

d.The solution to this problem-my opinion
Using Internet to promote cultural interaction among people and share various information and gaining firsthand information through trip or exchange student programs.

Therefore, mass media needs to control themselves and people have to be careful by not being misled.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

I think the ideas and design are both well done.

Just a few suggestions:

In Body part,
It should be divided into two parts, one is about how mass media convey stereotypes to people, which has three subparts, and the second part is solutions. Therefore, the structure should be:

I. Stereotyping role of mass media
A. Stereotyping values of this world
B. Stereotyping gender roles
C. Misleading information based on their own interest, benefit or disposition
D. ...
II. Solutions to this phenomenon
A. Using internet to promote cultural interaction
B. Gaining firsthand information
C. ...
