Nov 13, 2009

outline for reaserch paper (Ting Shu)

Topic: Adult Children has the responsibility to take care of elderly parents
Purpose: To remind the adult children that their elderly parents need to be concerned from the numinous more than material success. As an adult child, he or she has the responsibility to take care of their elderly parents.
Audience: All people, especially for the adult children who never thought about they should take the responsibility to take care of their elderly parents.
Tone: Serious and straightforward
Thesis statement: Adult has the responsibility to take care for elderly parents.
I. Introduction: aging of population.
A. Aging of population indicates the number decreases in young people and number increases in elderly people. It induces the proportion of elderly people are increasing in a total population number of a country or place.
B. The standard of population aging.
II. The reasons and conditions of population aging in China and America.
A. Physic has improved that people can have their life to be longer.
B. Aging of population was a problem only in developed country, but now it also became a big problem in developing countries.
C. Nativity rate decreases.
D. If we became elderly people maybe we will have no children to take care for us.
III. Aging of population bring us the problems at taking care of elderly people.
A. In China, most family is taking the responsibility of it.
a. China is country which has a huge number of populations in the world.
b. China is a developing country, so the government doesn’t have enough economic strength to pay for it.
c. The traditional idea of a family in China is that adult children should take the responsibility to take care your elderly parents.
B. In America.
a. Adult children usually do not live with elderly parents.
b. Government has a system at taking care at elderly people.
c. It is a common problem that every person has to be independence in their own economy.
d. Family might was lived together many years ago, but the family idea became to be live by single
IV. Tell about the thinking from elderly people about to living without their children, giving examples.
V. Warning adult children what would happened if you didn’t take care of your elderly parents.
VI. Conclusion: As an adult child, your parents paid you everything before you get independence. Children are the whole life of parents. Everyone will be a elderly person in some years, you maybe will find out how much you would like to stay with your children but your children do not. Everyone needs to pay back for your parents.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

In the part of China, you mentioned that China is a developing country, so its government cannot provide any system of care to the elders. As a result, they have to stay with their children.

In America, developed countries, the government can take care of them, but why do they still need their children's care?

why do you think children's care is more than necessary to their parents and should become a responsibility.

You'd better strengthen your argument in order to get that conclusion.
