Nov 8, 2009

1.Amitai Etzioni, “Marriage with no easy outs”, New York Times [Late Edition(East Coast)]. Aug 13 1997. Pg. A.23

This article talks about new Louisiana law. Basically, the new Louisiana law provides couples with a ready-made contract that, like all contracts, becomes enforceable by the state once it is entered into freely. In effect, Louisiana is providing a new form of prenuptial agreement, focused not on what happens to assets if the couple divorces, but on how to make divorce less likely.

I will make it as an example to tell audiences how government make measures to fix marital conflicts problem.

2.Viola Polomeno. (2007, June). “Marriage, Parenthood, and Divorce: Understanding the Past as We Move into the Future”. International Journal of Childbirth Education, 22(2), 13-19. Retrieved November 8, 2009, from GenderWatch (GW). (Document ID: 1310971071).
In this article, divorce is explained from an historical viewpoint followed by a current synopsis of the situation, and terminating by an examination between divorce and health.

Im going to use this article to introduce the history of divorce.

3.Rebecca Tamara de Souza, & John L Sherry. (2006, January). “Portrayals of Romantic Relationships on Adolescent Television: A Content Analysis”. Media Report to Women, 34(1), 13-21. Retrieved November 8, 2009, from GenderWatch (GW). (Document ID: 998180181).

Sherry and de Souza look at the types of romantic relationships portrayed on television and analyze couple conflict on television for the cause of conflict, the approaches taken toward the conflict and how it is finally resolved at the end of the show. Overall, adolescent-targeted television portrays a remarkably consistent message about romantic relationships. Most romance in adolescent television occurs between married or dating Caucasian couples between the ages of 17-50 years old.

4. "The Glass House." 08 Nov 2009

Divorce is becoming more acceptable and normal. This is a problem and divorce should be decreased. All couples should be requred to attend marriage counseling before they are married. Couples attending marriage counseling could decrease this problem. Divorce then stop becoming such a problem, and only happen shen absolutely necessary after other steps have been taken and failed.

This article introduce us a good way to solve marital conflict.

5. "Relationships and Marriage - Teenage Marriage." 08 Nov 2009

Young people today have a tendency to rush in to commitments before fully understanding what they are getting into. One of the most serious of there is marriage. This commitment is teken lightly by many teenagers.

This is a reason why couples have more conflicts. They get married before understanding each other enough.


Jing Yan said...

Marriage and divorce, in the old time,those two words separated. but now, they are connected, even so closed, too many people did not cherish their marriage. nowadays, that is a big problem .

Leslie said...

An article to explore the reasons for divorce. I wonder what kind of new ideas will be put forward to this heatedly discussed topic.
