Feb 27, 2010

A Critique about “East vs West” (Xing.Pan)

“East vs West”, from the literally means to see or distinguish things from different points of view. The differences between Eastern and Western culture can be compared to sports; such as soccer and basketball. Even from the surface we can easily detect differences between the East and West. These differences include customs, cultures, and traditions just to name a few.

I agree with some of the picture. Differences between the East and West vary greatly and can be seen mostly everywhere. From the picture above, Western people take Chinese food as a treat and Eastern people take Western-style food as a treat. Another example would be something so simple as a shower. People in the West typically shower is in the morning, whereas people from the East shower in the evening. Besides personal hygiene, people from the East and West tend to express their feelings differently as well. When upset, Westerners would easily show their expression, whether it be vocally or a facial expression. Easterners are most likely to hide their feelings and go with the flow, and not dropping hints.

The world within the diversification can make our lives become more rich and colorful, where the East and West could learn from each other, and the Harmonious World will become, more beautiful and peaceful.


Leslie said...

Good post.
But I didn't remember we have any picture about taking shower in morning or evening. Weird!
And the expression of upset or angry is obvious on western people's faces but vague in eastern people. I don't know who should learn from whom. Which is better?


Xing.Pan said...

Perhaps i didn't write clearly.
The example of the talking about shower in morning or evening just my quote and I will correct some mistakes in my final draft of my essay.

Xing.Pan said...

Perhaps i didn't write clearly.
The example of the talking about shower in morning or evening just my quote and I will correct some mistakes in my final draft of my essay.