Feb 23, 2010

through the freedom (Jin Huang)

Even you are living the most free country in the world, you still can’t have a freedom love, because you are an living with your own specialties culture.

This is my first image of this article. Two Afghanistan girls can’t dispute it , because it’s life. When you were born, it’s already decided everything for them. It’s hard to change.

In these years, though the 911 event and terrorism happens. The relation between America and Afghan is getting worse and worse. So it’s not easy for Afghanistan people to live with American culture.

Nowadays there are still a lot of women in the old time culture can’t have the normal education and can’t have a freedom love. Although all the world want change these unnaturally rule for women who in this situation. But why it doesn’t work?

I think because culture effects too much to the people who living in a religion country or who believe in an age-old religion.

This is hard to change, maybe only the time can make it on a different right way.

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